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Maly - He came from x-war clan to x-con and became expert in 2011. His control of cats is amazing, he almost never lose them.He is now leader of AK and X-CON. In no fs he used to camp much. He Plays poker and have owned all players almost. Learned all new x-cons.


Feanor - First clan was blood-ruse. Made blood-ruse clan from unknown noob clan to matter clan in gameranger. Home is - BRQ clan.  Now in L&A clan.  Made top list in 2011 year. Before fena HolyLord had official shc. Became expert in 2010. Created (400+ pop + many workshops eco (2010) and  bread eco (2012 )). Now he leave for ever SHC cuase very tired of this game. GL


Artorius - One of the fathers of no fire no fs playings, created much tactics and all possible things about army. Before he make maps, teach ppls and finding out new tricks. Was one of bests in 2010 year.  Was inactive manytimes for long period. He was as *KoRT*Delfinka and *KoRT*Star owned many experts from this names. He was first, who started to record videos of winnings and it made him very popular. He love listen music in youtube and can be little paranoidal. Teached very much players in SHC. Best students of him are - FrozenWarrior, Dimonich and else... 


HolyLord - From the early days of SHC Holylord emerged as one of the strongest players to grace the game. Historically, he was more of a "Doer" than a "Maker"; by utilizing the full potentional of game knowledge he became known for a record economy and frightfully fierce tactics.  He is the other founder and leader of the legendary DHK clan.  He has won more official GameSpy Crusder tournaments than any other player, and therefore, more VIPs are to his name than any other player (see VIPs page), and many experts owe their skills to his training.  Holylord is also notably the most infamous player in shc history; he was often found in the eyes of the public, who simply couldn't grasp the extent of his skill and ergo was quick to suspect him of foul play, which created an aura of mystery about him.


Salahaddin - He is player who was almost unbetable in 2010. He lost maybe 2 times just then. After fight with Napalm he left to Dota game. In 2011 he came back for 2 weeks, but he fully lost his power. He created tactic with using knights in no f no fs game. Later all started to copy it. Full controlling game is what he done in 2010. He had italic with Artur, so they were never be able to play 1x1 in that time to see, who best. Created *M-T* clan after leaving Blood-Ruse.


Victor - started in 2011 in X2X clan. Greatest aka - W@W HolyKing. Most expert player from pakistan right now, now plays for fun. in 2012 was cheating with trainer and tm. In 2013 play fair. Had own site best of crusader some time. Made much maps and teached some russian and pakistani players. Now he back from leader W@W.


Keks - Father of no f no fs playing. was best in 2010-2011 in no f no fs. Created compressing army (2010). Was leader of M-T clan and teached some M-T players how to play Stronghold Crusader. Made videos after Arthur.


Sandra - Best girl player in recent time. She leads L&A clan and have very fast progress in game, can win some players from (man) top. Usualy make conference with L&A players in skype. Hates X-CON players. She is first girl in SHC community who knows compressing. Now she inactive and lose much skills.


Ahilles - Ukraine power player. Was teached by Feanor. Created AW-LUB clan and lead it forever. Best years of playing 2011-2012. Was near best almost. Created very much matter maps, what ppls use today for 1x1 and 2x2 games. Like all Ukrainians drink very much. Now he play only for fun and only 2v2 match.


Shever - Player from poland, who grown canabias. Most spammer in gr, who thinking he is best in 0 pt.  One of biggest idiots in GR of all times . But now he became more normal then before.But hes still noob in 0pt :p. Now he use 10 nikname all day and play only 1-2 games each week.


Skelet - First player from ZO who was near best in no fs. He made own videos and best year of playing is 2011.  Nowdays inactive and have busines in fifa-2014. Feanor steal from him 70 euro in end 2012 year and still didnt gave him back. 


Oxapam - Started playing shc in november 2005. Plays all sorts of gamestyles for example; relaxing nobogames, medium, pro, 20 pt games, and hardcore expert games with all types of rules, pt, gold, and maps. Master in eco sneaking with assasins, if she gets the chance to get into your castle, you can be sure your eco is going to be history soon. She can rush or camp by patience and then after a while she will come out with a big army. Very aggresive gamestyle especially with sneaking. She knowns how to compress but most of the time she would send her units randomly to battle. She also loves to spam with assasins. Her eco is a bit messy/random between pikes/crosbows and bread. Every game with her is a whole new adventure. Most people know her due to the chatrooms she hosts daily. But she only plays when she's in a good mood. (and if she doesn't lags) When she has the name NoChat then she's ''reloading her batteries'' so she can spam again.


Zeiker - very funny and smart player. Play from 2012 year, always was not much active and near top experts. In may 2013 he got known one thing about game from Fena and very good use it now, it made him to top experts. He plays usualy for fun, when he plays serious then he can win almost all players xD His best partner in GR - Venik.


Dimonich - Started play in 2012 in B-R clan. In end 2012 year became to best positions in top. Make videos of most games. Very good know compressing army. Very  smart player always change tactics. Maybe best in 10 pt no f no fs nowdays. Now he have holidays and inactive, but he will back.


NightMare - Started playing shc around october 2009. Plays all rules and gamestyles. Most of the time uses a spears/pikes eco with a rush and plays very aggresive with sneaking. So if you play vs him defend your king or eco. His compressing is pretty good but he hardly uses +25 ff because of the eco ruining effect. Hates to play vs mass ha users most of the time just gives his king and blocks the user. Has decent nerves if the game won't lag, mass ha, camp, etc. Likes to record games especially vs hatefull persons in particular people like; Mentalist, David, Megatron. Loves to listen house, pop and old music. Also loves to argue with others in facebook or anywhere else.


IvanTheTerrible - as he said he started to play in 2004, but became expert in 2012. He is now  leader of M-T clan. SmallMan and Artorius helped him to become top experts. Plays very good and has very strong eco, but he is playing only with friends.


Defs - started in 2011-2012 in BRQ clan as BRQ Deadmaus. One of players, who have strong  body in gr. in 2012 was in J&J clan and D-F in 2013 became X-CON. In end 2012 he became top in no f no fs and in 2013 top in no f. Nowdays very active player and have good positions in list. Skills based in dominate field speed and eco. Make videos of own games and post in youtube. Actually he's inactive and play few match and yet it has not lost skills.


INOstracevia - He started playing in 2008 in July. His main rules are no f fs He can play all kind of games 1v1 and 2v2 on all pt and maps. He is top expert in no f fs games his power is good economy and camp. INO was one of the first player who joined BRQ (he joined us in beginning of August in 2010 as a small brq) He was growing here and in 2011-12 He was one of the best player in no f fs rules. In 2010-13 years he also was playing in some others clans like X2X or M-W where he was founder but his heart still belonged to BRQ so He backed to us in 2012 and play here until now. Ino taked part in many events and in previous years he created some no f fs tournaments. Now he have less time but still play for fun.


Bartholo - By far one of the greatest and best players to ever grace the confines of Stronghold: Crusader.   Bartholo was, and remains, unmatched by even the greatest of the Legends below him.   He is one of the founders and leader of the Legendary DHK Clan.  Though he was quiet and therefore difficult to get a conversation or game with, his silence itself said enough; his presence permeated the lobby, striking fear - and jealousy/resentment - in the hearts of friend and foe alike.   Bartholo did more for Crusader than anyone could dream of doing themselves; exploiting the game to discover countless new tactics, strategies, tricks, and secrets that many now commonly use.   (see tactics and strategies page)  Consider Bartholo the one and only true master of Stronghold: Crusader.   Undefeated, Eternal, Immortal.


Ninya - started in 2005 year. Active maybe like 2-3 months in every year. Always was in top positions in no fire rules. And near top in no fs. His clans -> K2K, KAW, X2X, D-F, K2K.

Very good eco and speed and experience. But sometimes have problems in game if it some new rules or small res map.  Never cheated in his long playing time. Maybe in few time he was the best in nof.


Burek - Sterded playing in 2012, he was in some clans and very smalltime and then finnaly joined x-con, but he started in b-hun clan shc career. Burek in game is somhow copy of Defs. Whole time want gold account. Love much joke, best years of playing -2013, in this year he have beat all player in noffs, strong.


Osama - Started playing professionaly in 2013 he growed up in BRQ and learned from its players. He like 2v2 matches, nffs, and bread eco maps. He like mass ha and use sins, He try to be better and bieng a real top expert. He play for fun and dont care for ss and videos. He is serious but with near friends he joke much and relax. All player in gr khow him and anyone hate him, very good person. Now he inactive and lose skills.


Dingo - Once a clueless chattering newbie in the GameSpy Crusader Lobby, this talkative and ambitious rookie developed into a fearsome top expert.  Although limited in his versatility (compared to the other Legends on this list), Dingo reached heights of technical ability and game judgement on par, or better than, some of the Legends on this list. Dingo was leader of D-F, along with T~bag, his partner (and D-F Founder). Although Dingo, like Blacky, missed the golden days and old Legends of GameSpy, he has proved his worth amongst the newer generations of Stronghold: Crusader players in GR.  


YNWA - He starder playing on 6/ 6/ 2013, immediately he join ina clan where much friends from him country (indonesia) teach him, like Clayser, Nunukan, Doepel and Megatron. Grew quickly thanks to this, and now he can battle with all best player in noffs. 


Ares - one of players, who play SHC after 2007. Very hard camper and great skills. Whole ime leader of X-CON clan. He too train own body like Defs and Unframed. Ares teached many X-CONS. Have infuence in teaching Geralt and Maly before. Usualy plays in X-CON company 2x2 or 3x3 games, almost never 1x1. All says he have best defence in no f only.


Avenger - player, who started play in zo in 2011-2012 years. Best his time - middle 2012 year, when he won most players in GR. He make videos too of own games and usualy when win not give rematch. Very much argue who is best and in best his times his gamestyle was -rush players. Easy can jealous , was many times inactive of game. Always nervous if something in start game go little wrong and cancel games xD

Hi, if you have another history from another or want here your, please, write me HERE . HF !

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